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Have you ever faced a situation where something important broke, and you desperately needed a quick fix? Well, look no further! In this article, we will explore the fascinating technique of using super glue and baking soda to mend broken objects. This simple and affordable method can save you time, money, and frustration. So, let’s dive in and discover how to apply super glue and baking soda effectively.

What You Will Need

Before we get started, let’s gather all the materials you will need for this DIY fix:

  • Super glue: Ensure you have a strong and reliable brand of super glue.
  • Baking soda: This common household ingredient offers great reinforcement.
  • The broken item: Identify the broken object that needs to be fixed.
  • Safety precautions: Optional gloves and eye protection for added safety.

Prepare the broken surfaces

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to apply super glue and baking soda to fix your broken item:

Step 1: Prepare the broken surfaces

When gluing Eva foam, it is important to begin by gently cleaning the broken surfaces of the item. This will ensure that there is no dust or debris, creating a solid bond between the glue, baking soda, and the broken parts. Remember to add a thin layer of glue to each surface and press the two pieces together firmly. Hold the pieces in place for several minutes until the glue has completely dried.

Step 2: Apply the super glue

Using the applicator tip or a small brush, apply a thin layer of super glue to one of the broken surfaces. Be sure to work quickly to avoid premature drying of the glue.

Step 3: Sprinkle baking soda

Immediately after applying the super glue, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda over the glue-covered surface. The baking soda will act as a filler and strengthen the bond.

Step 4: Align and hold

Carefully align the broken parts and hold them firmly together for a few seconds. The bond will start to form rapidly as the super glue reacts with the baking soda.

Step 5: Remove excess baking soda

Once the bond has formed, gently brush away any excess baking soda using a soft brush or cloth. This will leave you with a clean and professional-looking repair.

Tips for Success

To ensure the best results when applying super glue and baking soda, consider the following tips:

  • Choose the right type of super glue: Different super glues have different bonding strengths. Select the appropriate type based on the material you are repairing.
  • Use baking soda sparingly: A little goes a long way when it comes to baking soda. Sprinkle it lightly, as an excess amount may compromise the bond.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area: Super glue can emit fumes that may be irritating. It’s important to ensure proper ventilation while working on your project.
  • Practice caution with delicate objects: While super glue and baking soda can be effective for many repairs, exercise caution when dealing with delicate or valuable items.
  • Follow safety guidelines: Wear gloves and eye protection if you feel it is necessary. It’s always better to take precautions when working with potentially hazardous materials.


With the technique of applying super glue and baking soda, you now possess a valuable skill to fix broken objects on your own. Decorate a box with paper using this budget-friendly method that not only adds a personal touch but also allows you to have quick and reliable repairs, ultimately saving you time and money. Remember to follow the step-by-step guide and consider the tips provided for a successful outcome. Now, go ahead and apply your newfound knowledge to tackle any broken item that comes your way!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can I use any type of super glue for this method?
    While different types of super glue may work, it’s recommended to choose a strong and reliable brand to ensure a durable bond.
  2. Is baking soda essential for this technique, or can I use something else?
    Baking soda is an effective filler and reinforcement agent in this method. Its alkaline nature activates the super glue and helps form a strong bond.
  3. How long should I hold the broken parts together after applying the super glue and baking soda?
    Holding the broken parts together for around 30 seconds to a minute should be sufficient, but follow the instructions provided by the super glue manufacturer.
  4. Can I use this technique to repair objects made of different materials?
    Yes, you can use this technique to repair various materials like ceramics, plastic, wood, and even metal. However, remember to choose the appropriate type of super glue for each material.
  5. Are there any safety precautions I should take?
    It’s always a good idea to work in a well-ventilated area and consider wearing gloves and eye protection if you feel it is necessary to protect your skin and eyes from any potential irritation or accidents.