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If you’re a fan of puzzle games and mythical creatures, you’ve probably heard of “Little Alchemy.” This popular online game allows players to combine different elements to create new ones, and it’s not only entertaining but also a great way to spark creativity and imagination. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most fascinating mythical creatures you can make in Little Alchemy. So, let’s dive in and uncover the magical world of alchemy! This content is presented by Animespider.com.

What is Little Alchemy?

Before we delve into the mythical creatures, let’s quickly go over what Little Alchemy is all about. Little Alchemy is an online game that lets players explore the world of elemental combination. Starting with just four basic elements – air, water, fire, and earth – players can combine these elements to create new ones. These new elements can then be combined with existing ones to form even more complex objects and concepts. It’s a game of experimentation and discovery that keeps players engaged for hours on end. If you want to discover how to make wild animal in little alchemy, you’ll need to experiment with different combinations of elements.

Unicorns: The Iconic Mythical Creatures

One of the most sought-after mythical creatures in Little Alchemy is the majestic unicorn. To create a unicorn, you’ll need to combine a horse with a narwhal. The result is a magical and elegant creature that has captivated human imagination for centuries. In the game, the unicorn represents purity and grace, and it’s a must-have for any aspiring alchemist.

Dragons: The Legendary Fire-Breathing Beasts

No collection of mythical creatures would be complete without dragons. In Little Alchemy, creating a dragon is a thrilling process. You’ll need to combine multiple elements, starting with fire and earth, to eventually bring this fearsome creature to life. Once you succeed, you’ll have a powerful ally in your alchemical adventures.

Mermaids: Half-Human, Half-Fish Enchantresses

The enchanting mermaids can also be brought into existence in Little Alchemy. To create a mermaid, you’ll need to combine the human and fish elements. Mermaids are known for their beauty and singing voices, and having them in your collection adds a touch of magic to your creations.

Griffins: The Majestic Hybrid Beasts

Griffins are mythical creatures with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. To make a griffin in Little Alchemy, you’ll need to combine a lion with an eagle. Griffins are symbols of strength, courage, and wisdom, and they make fantastic additions to any alchemist’s repertoire.

What Mythical Creatures Can You Make in Little Alchemy?

Werewolves: The Mysterious Shape-Shifters

For those who enjoy a bit of mystery and intrigue, werewolves are a must-try creation. Combining a human with a wolf in Little Alchemy will give you a werewolf, a creature that transforms under the light of the full moon. Having werewolves in your collection adds a touch of darkness and mystique to your alchemical world.

Fairies: Tiny Beings with Great Powers

Fairies are tiny, ethereal beings with magical powers. In Little Alchemy, you can create fairies by combining human and energy elements. These delightful creatures bring a sense of wonder and enchantment to your alchemy experiments, and they’re sure to captivate your imagination.

Phoenix: The Resilient Bird of Fire

The mythical phoenix is a bird that rises from its ashes, symbolizing renewal and rebirth. To create a phoenix in Little Alchemy, you’ll need to combine fire with a bird. The phoenix is a powerful and mystical creature that adds a touch of resilience and transformation to your creations.

Centaurs: Half-Human, Half-Horse Warriors

Centaurs are mythical creatures with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. To make a centaur in Little Alchemy, you’ll need to combine a human with a horse. Centaurs are known for their strength and agility, making them valuable allies in your alchemical adventures.

Zombies: The Undead Horrors

For those who enjoy a bit of spookiness, zombies are the way to go. To create zombies in Little Alchemy, you’ll need to combine a human with the life element. Zombies are the undead, and having them in your collection adds a touch of eerie darkness to your alchemy experiments.


Little Alchemy is a fascinating game that allows players to unleash their creativity by combining different elements to create a myriad of objects and creatures, including some of the most iconic mythical beings. From majestic unicorns to fearsome dragons and enchanting fairies, the possibilities are as limitless as the imagination. So, dive into the world of alchemy and let your creative spirit run wild as you conjure up your very own mythical creatures! Just like how players explore the magical world of Little Alchemy, you can let your creativity roam free and discover new fantastical beings, all while having fun and enjoying the journey. And hey, speaking of games, if you’re a fan of mobile games, you might also find excitement in exploring worlds beyond alchemy, such as the thrilling adventures of Subway Surfers.


Can I play Little Alchemy on my mobile device?

Yes, Little Alchemy is available as a mobile app on both Android and iOS platforms.

Are there any limitations to the number of elements I can combine?

No, you can experiment with combining elements as much as you like to discover new creations.

Is there a time limit in the game?

No, you can take your time to explore and create without any time constraints.

Can I share my creations with friends?

Yes, you can share your discoveries and combinations with friends through social media.

Are there any hidden elements in Little Alchemy?

Yes, some combinations may unlock hidden elements, adding more excitement to the gameplay.