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Is there a way to create a cross-platform app? This is a question that many software developers have asked. In this article, we will answer this question and provide two different methods for creating cross-platform apps. The article is brought to you by https://verynicegame.com/

There are two ways to create a cross-platform app

Is a way out of cross-platform
Image source: Google.com

There are two ways to create a cross-platform app:

  • Use a cross-platform framework. With this approach, you can create one codebase and deploy it to multiple platforms with minimal effort. This is great for apps that have similar functionality across multiple operating systems (like messaging apps). However, if your app has unique features or uses different native APIs on each platform then building natively may be more appropriate for you.
  • Build native apps for each platform individually. This will allow you to fully utilize the full capabilities of each operating system while still taking advantage of shared code between them.

How to create and build a Windows UWP app

To create a UWP app, you need to have Visual Studio 2019. You also need to make sure that your app can be run on multiple platforms. To do this, go to Project > Properties > General and check “Supports multiple architectures”. Read now How to Play Fortnite on Chromebook?

If you want your app to run on multiple devices at once (e.g., desktop PCs and phones), then check “Targeted for Universal Windows Platform”. If not, then leave it unchecked because this option allows users who have different devices from yours access your software only when using their own hardware; it doesn’t allow sharing between them as Google Play does for Android apps or Apple’s App Store does for iOS apps.

You must install the Windows 10 SDK before creating any projects in Visual Studio 2019 so that they will work properly when uploaded onto those platforms later down the road after everything has been finalized!

How to create and build a MacOS app

To create a MacOS app, you first need to create a new Xcode project. Next, add a UWP project to the workspace by right-clicking on the “Solution” folder in Solution Explorer and choosing Add -> New Project. In this example, we will be using an empty Windows 10 UWP app as our starting point since it already has most of what we need to be built in already (e.g., main page UI).

Once added and imported into Xcode, select both projects (MacOS and Windows 10) from Solution Explorer and go to Edit -> Embed In.. This will open up another modal window asking which platform should be embedded inside which another platform–selecting “iOS & tvOS” from under iOS Platforms; then select “Windows Universal Apps” from under Universal Windows Platforms before clicking OK. This step does not require any code changes but simply tells Xcode where each project is located relative to each other so that they know how much space there is available within the same solution file without having any issues like overwriting each other’s files when trying to compile later down line during development stages such as debugging sessions when lines may become mixed together causing errors due their conflicting nature between platforms (i..e., Objective C versus C# syntax).

You can find out how to make a cross-platform app

You can find out how to make a cross-platform app by reading our blog post on the topic. In it, we explain what cross-platform development is, how it works, and why you should consider using it for your next project.


If you want to create a cross-platform app, there are two main options. You can build your app using web technologies and then port it across different platforms, or you can use one of the many frameworks that allow you to write native code in C# or Java. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages but ultimately it comes down to what kind of experience you want for your users