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Polyester fabrics are often used in clothing because they’re strong and durable. However, polyester can pill or develop small balls of fiber that stick to other fabrics over time. This can cause a garment to look worn and unattractive after just a few items of washing. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent pilling on polyester garments before it happens as well as methods for removing the pilled fabric from other items such as blankets or furniture cushions. The article is presented by https://hdecorideas.com/

How to get cloth balls off polyester?

How to get cloth balls off polyester? When it comes to removing pilling from your polyester clothing, you need a solution that will dissolve the particles and make them easier to remove. White vinegar has been proven to be one of the best agents for dissolving lint and pillage on fabrics. The acid in this product is strong enough to soften up small clumps on fabric and make them easier to remove with a towel or brush.

Pour some white vinegar into a small bowl

White vinegar is the best thing to use for this task. If you don’t have white vinegar, try using some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar instead. If you don’t have any of those, just fill up the sink with hot water and add a little bit of dish soap. It’ll work just fine for getting out lingering stains. Make sure it’s not scented though! Explore more: Is polyester stretchy

You should definitely avoid using baking soda because it will cause residue on your clothes which will be difficult to remove later on; if possible, do not use any kind of soap at all (unless it’s baby shampoo). Using brushes or vacuum cleaners can also make things worse by spreading dirt from one spot into many others nearby.

Wet a clean cotton terry cloth towel with the white vinegar

In order to remove the cloth balls, you’ll first need to wet a clean cotton terry cloth towel with white vinegar. Although any type of cotton towel will do, it’s best to use a higher-quality one because this is an important step that could lead to damage if not done properly.

It’s also important not to use lemon juice or another type of acid in place of white vinegar; these types of liquids can be harmful if used on polyester fabric and may cause discoloration over time. White vinegar is specifically designed for this purpose, so it’s important not to substitute anything else for it when attempting this process as well.

Dab the pilling on the polyester fabric to saturate it

Dabbing the pilling on your polyester fabric with a towel will help saturate it and make the vinegar more effective. You’ll also want to use a small bowl of vinegar, placing your cloth ball in it for about an hour at room temperature. After an hour, remove it from the vinegar and let it sit out until dry. It’s important that you don’t dry your clothes in a washing machine once they’ve been soaked in this way because doing so could cause additional damage to other parts of the garment.

If after trying these methods you still find that pills haven’t come off completely or aren’t coming off at all, then consult a professional tailor or seamstress who can possibly fix whatever issue is preventing them from coming off entirely on their own by hand.

Wait 10 minutes for the pilling to soften

This is an important step because it allows the pilling to soften and become easier to remove. If you don’t wait this amount of time, you may end up ripping off some of your garment’s fibers while trying to get rid of all those balls!

Rub the pilling with the towel

Once you have a ball of pilling, it’s time to start rubbing. Use the towel and rub in long, circular motions. It’s best to rub on the wrong side of the fabric so that you don’t make any marks on it. If you do this on the right side, though, be sure that all traces are removed before washing or ironing it again!

Wash and iron your polyester garments

Wash the garment in warm water, then put it through an extra rinse cycle. Dry on low heat or line dry. Since delicate items may shrink during this process, I recommend hanging them up immediately after they’re done drying so they don’t wrinkle too much while they’re still wet. If you have an ironing board, use it! Ironing is key for removing wrinkles and creases from clothing but also helps set in any stains that may appear during washing so they won’t re-stain when worn again (or at least not as badly). Do not use any type of fabric softener for any reason whatsoever. This includes dryer sheets and liquid detergent with fabric softener added! You want to get rid of all traces of these substances from your clothes because they attract lint like crazy (and we all know how annoying that can be).


The towel should cause the pilling to separate from the fabric and you’ll be able to remove it easily. We recommend that you do this right away so that the pile doesn’t get worse. You can also try using a lint roller or soft brush to remove any remaining balls before washing your garment again in cold water with no detergent or fabric softener.