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If you’re invited to a baby shower, you most likely know that your attire should be a bit more formal than usual. But what exactly does that mean? And once you’ve got the basics down, what else can you do to make your outfit more entertaining for everyone—including yourself? Let’s explore some of the ways guests can dress up for this special occasion. This article is made by https://www.todaydresses.com

Not Too Casual

Baby Shower Attire for Guests
Image source: Google.com

You’re going to want to dress up a bit. This isn’t an occasion for sweats or flip flops, jeans and t-shirts, shorts or workout clothes. Think of it as the grown-up version of a summer picnic–you wouldn’t wear cutoffs and sandals (or worse: pajamas!) there either.

Dressy casual is the best way to go–you don’t have to wear anything fancy but your outfit should be clean and pressed so it looks nice in pictures! Learn what to wear with blue leggings.

Not Too Formal

When you’re invited to a baby shower, it’s important to know what kind of attire is expected. You want to look nice and show your support for the new mom-to-be, but don’t go overboard with fancy clothes or shoes. For example:

  • Avoid wearing suits or dresses that are too formal
  • Avoid wearing tuxedos or gowns (unless it’s an evening event)
  • Don’t wear hats that are too tall or elaborate; they can be uncomfortable if they block someone else’s view of you while they’re talking with someone else at the party who is shorter than them (and who might not appreciate having his/her sight line blocked). If you do decide on wearing something like this anyway, make sure it fits well so that no one accidentally knocks into your head when walking past! Also, keep in mind that some people may have allergies that could cause them discomfort if they come into contact with certain materials (like velvet).

In Between?

If you’re not sure what to wear, think about the occasion. What does it mean to you? Is it a formal event or more laid-back? Will there be other adults in attendance, or just parents and children? The answers to these questions can help guide your outfit decision.

  • For example, if the baby shower is being held at an upscale hotel with a black tie dress code, then it’s best to err on the side of formality when choosing an outfit–and vice versa for less formal events (e.g., backyard barbecues). But don’t go too far in either direction! You don’t want to show up looking like a sloppy mess or wearing something so formal that people feel out of place at your table because they didn’t bring their tuxedos along with them!
  • Also, keep in mind that many guests will be taking photos during their visit; therefore, try not to wear anything too revealing or tight-fitting (e.g., low-cut tops) as this may cause discomfort throughout the day/night depending on where exactly things begin heating up between friends and family members after consuming several glasses of champagne beforehand.

To each their own

As the mom-to-be, you’ll have lots of decisions to make about your baby shower. The most important one? Who’s invited? But if you’re wondering what to wear as a guest, here are some suggestions:

  • Dress comfortably and have fun! This is not a funeral or job interview–it’s meant to be an enjoyable event where everyone can celebrate the upcoming arrival of your new little one. So don’t worry if your clothes aren’t perfectly coordinated or if they’re not exactly what other people are wearing; just relax, enjoy yourself, and get ready for some good times ahead!
  • If wearing a dress is something that appeals to you (or even if it doesn’t), just make sure that it isn’t too short or tight so as not to be inappropriate in any way while this special occasion celebrating your friend/family member’s life change–and remember that heels aren’t required either!

Be comfortable and have fun

When you’re invited to a baby shower, it’s important to be comfortable and have fun. You need to remember that this is a party for the mother-to-be, so she should be the center of attention. If you are uncomfortable being around babies or pregnant women, then maybe it’s best not to attend at all!

The best way for guests to ensure that they are having a good time at a baby shower is by respecting the hostess’s wishes and following her instructions about what she would like people who visit her home to do (e.g., “Please don’t touch anything in my house without asking first”, or “Please make sure all food items are removed from their original packaging before bringing them over”). It’s also polite for guests who bring gifts for new parents-to-be, not including personal items such as clothing or diapers–they can give those items directly instead!


I hope this post has helped you figure out what type of baby shower attire to wear. Remember, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and have fun! If you’re not sure what looks good on you or if something is too casual for a given situation, just ask a friend for advice. Happy showering!